
Visa Timeline - 10 Steps to America

Minutes to read: 

The Resource Center content, including all videos and other media, is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. The advice and information contained in the Resource Center is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation

Step 1: Interview & Sign Agreement

Interview with one of our International Recruiters. During the interview, your Recruiter will ask you questions to find out if you qualify for the PassportUSA program. They will also explain details of our program as well as answer any questions you have! If you're extended an offer to join the PassportUSA program, your recruiter will send you an agreement which outlines our commitment to you and your commitment to us on this journey to achieve your American Dream. Once you sign the agreement, you will officially be a part of the PassportUSA Program!

Step 2: Visa Filing Prep

Upon signing the agreement and joining our program, you will be assigned an International Program Associate (IPA) who will instruct you on the documents necessary to file your visa petition. If you have not yet passed your Licensure Exam or your English exam, your IPA will provide you with resources to help you pass as well as coach you through the study and exam process. Our goal is to get your visa petition filed with USCIS as soon as possible!

Step 3: Legal Review

Since Health Carousel International (HCI) will be your US Employer Sponsor for your visa petition, we take a high interest in making sure your documents and credentials are fully prepared for visa filing. Our experienced legal team will review these documents multiple times before your visa petition is submitted to USCIS.

Step 4: Facility Interviewing and Assignment

When your immigration processing is progressing forward, and we have an approximate timeline of when you will be arriving to the USA, we will begin submitting your resume to client facilities who have open positions that fit your clinical skills and experience. Upon completion of your interview with our client facility, if you are extended an offer to join their team and it is a good mutual fit, this will be your assignment location. If the facility does not extend you an offer, we will continue submitting your resume until we have found a match and you have been extended an offer. It is important to note the timeline of the interview process varies for everyone based on healthcare facility needs and your specific clinical skills.

Step 5: Visa Petition Filed

After the review process, the Legal team will file your visa petition with USCIS. The length of time varies depending on many factors, including the US Immigration System. Your IPA will be able to provide further details on an approximate timeline depending on your individual case.

Step 6: Visa Petition Approved

When your petition has been approved by USCIS, you will be issued a priority date. Your priority date represents your “place in line” to obtain your visa. Once your petition has been approved, your IPA will assign you to an International Deployment Advocate (IDA) who will help you thru the remainder of the immigration, credentialing, and deployment process.

Step 7: NVC, Credentialing & USA Prep

Your IDA will help you gather required documents for the National Visa Center (NVC), which our legal team will submit on your behalf. They will also send you a list of credentials required to work as a healthcare professional in the USA, enroll you in the USA Prep/Transition-to-Practice program, guide you thru immigration steps, assignment selection, embassy interview preparation, and coordinate the logistics of your deployment to the USA with our Travel and Housing team.

Step 8: Visa Fee Bills & Documentarily Qualified

The NVC will issue your fee bills. Your IDA will confirm with you that you are currently working as a healthcare professional and you will submit yourDS-260 forms online. Once you have a confirmed healthcare facility assignment location, your fee bills have been paid and your NVC documents are submitted, the NVC will review your case and deem you "Documentarily Qualified", which means you are eligible for an embassy interview.

Step 9: Embassy Appointment

Once the NVC has made you “Documentarily Qualified,” they will schedule your embassy appointment date and location. Upon attending your embassy appointment, you will receive notice of approval of your US visa. It is during this exciting time that you and your IDA will need to coordinate an agreed upon date that you will deploy to the USA. Confirming this date is important and various factors must be considered such as completion of your credentials, state licensure, and available orientation dates offered at your healthcare facility assignment location.

Step 10: Welcome to America!

Get excited as you and the HCI team work on arranging travel, housing, flight logistics, and finally, deployment to the U.S. Get ready for a warm welcome from one of our team members who will personally welcome you upon your arrival to the USA. Our goal is to give you the best arrival experience possible. Congratulations on fulfilling your #AmericanDream!

***Please remember that the immigration and healthcare facility placement process will vary for everyone. We work with people, state boards, credentialing agencies and various governments (in the USA and abroad), which are all unpredictable. We cannot guarantee a timeline, but we can guarantee that we will get you here as fast as we are legally, and safely able to do so. It is our mission to fulfill your American dream and to improve lives and make healthcare work better in the USA

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The Resource Center content, including all videos and other media, is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. The advice and information contained in the Resource Center is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation