Clinical Ladder Program

What is the Health Carousel Clinical Ladder Program?

Our Clinical Ladder Program is designed to recognize nursing excellence and support your professional development to give you the opportunity to advance your skills & career while working with Health Carousel International. We will invest in a personalized journey to help you reach your professional goals.

An Opportunity for Professional Development, Support & Recognition

  • Long-term career planning and coaching
  • Advancement bonuses and swag
  • Membership to Nationality-Specific Nursing Associations
  • Membership to Specialty Specific Associations
  • Opportunities for prep and paid certification in your specialty
  • External recognition on your achievements
  • Easy online portal to track your progress through the Clinical Ladder Program
Clinical Nurse 1
  • Certificate of Advancement
  • Advancement Swag
  • Advancement Pin
  • Nationality Specific Organization Membership Fee Paid
Clinical Nurse 2
  • Certificate of Advancement
  • Advancement Swag
  • Advancement Pin
  • Speciality Specific
  • Professional Organization
  • Membership Fee Paid.
  • Advancement Bonus
Clinical Nurse 3
  • Certificate of Advancement
  • Advancement Swag
  • Advancement Pin
  • Speciality Specific
  • Professional Organization
  • Membership Fee Paid.
  • Speciality Certification
  • Exam Prep and Certification Fee Paid
  • Advancement Bonus
Clinical Nurse 4
  • Certificate of Advancement
  • Advancement Swag
  • Advancement Pin
  • Speciality Specific
  • Professional Organization
  • Membership Fee Paid.
  • Speciality Specific
  • Professional Organization
  • Conference Fee Paid

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for this program?

Eligible Registered Nurses who want to participate in the Health Carousel Clinical Ladder are employees who hold a regular status position with a job title of "Staff Nurse", are providing direct patient care, and meet the following criteria:

  • Unencumbered Nursing License
  • Full time employment
  • Nurse must be in good standing with the health care facility and Health Carousel International
How do I move to the next step in the clinical ladder?

Each ladder level has different requirements for advancement that will be communicated through our digital platform. There are minimum requirements that the nurse must meet in order to advance. All nurses who meet the eligible nurse requirements identified within this document may choose to participate in the Clinical Ladder Program.

An application to the Clinical Ladder Program is required each year for advancement to be considered. Documentation of completed activities will be submitted through a digital education platform. While there is no guarantee of progression based on tenure, the nurse can advance ladder level in reflection of tenure.

Do I receive any additional pay or bonuses?

There are bonuses and/or incentives specific at various points of the clinical ladder, in addition to Health Carousel paying for your nationality and/or specialty-specific professional organization membership.

If I don't qualify to move to the next Clinical Ladder level is there an opportunity to complete the
steps and advance at a later time?

If the review committee determines that an application does not meet criteria for advancement, the nurse will be notified and will have the opportunity to resubmit the application for review during next quarterly review.

The hospital I work at has a clinical ladder program that I take part in. How does this impact that?

The Health Carousel International Clinical Ladder Program is independent from any program that your hospital may have in place. Your participation in this program will have no impact on programs that are offered by the hospital.