
The Arrival Support Process

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The Resource Center content, including all videos and other media, is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. The advice and information contained in the Resource Center is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation


This video details how Health Carousel supports healthcare professionals relocating to the United States. It covers flight and hotel bookings, housing options, and the Health Carousel phone plan.


Hello. On this video, we will discuss how Health Carousel offers extensive assistance to our healthcare professionals who are relocating to the United States.

We will go over flight and hotel bookings, apartments and housing options, and the Health Carousel phone plan.

Flight Booking.

Before you travel in the US, you will be contacted by a Health Carousel employee who will assist you in reserving flights for yourself and any family members who will be joining you. The cost of your flight is covered Health Carousel.

We may also aid with the purchasing of flights for family members. Those can be paid back at a later date. They will do their best to provide options that fit your budget.

Hotel booking.

You will receive an email from our travel and housing team who will send you options for hotels in your arrival city. They will give you advice on which hotel is best, along with highlighting the price and if breakfast is provided.

You will be given the initial option to book a stay at a hotel for 10 days. Please note, you're not required to stay the entire 10 days and may leave earlier if you have obtained alternative housing.

The hotel will be deducted from your housing allowance that is provided to you by Health Carousel.

You can skip the hotel if you already have housing secured that is furnished and equipped with amenities.

Apartment and housing assistance.

Our travel and housing staff coordinates with local apartments in your destination city. They will provide a list of apartments that may suit your needs such as several rooms, proximity to a facility, and so on.

The travel and housing associate will then prepare a document with a list of apartments that you might be interested in.

They will send you the document before your arrival so you can do research on your own if you wish.

On your arrival day, your arrival coordinator will assist you in calling apartments and setting up walk throughs.

If you've already reserved an apartment before arriving, your arrival coordinator will assist you with furnishings, groceries, and anything else that may be required.

Phone plan.

When you arrive to the US, you will have the option of enrolling in our company's cell phone plan. The plan includes unlimited talk, text, and data, as well as services in Mexico and Canada.

There are currently two options for the phone plan with Health Carousel.

We have the base plan and the premium plan.

Please keep in mind that the phone plan is only available to Health Carousel staff and not to family members.

The base plan. If you already have a phone that works with Verizon's network, you can enroll in the base plan. When you arrive, will be given a SIM card that you may use with your working phone.

This SIM will provide you phone service as well as text and unlimited internet.

The premium plan consists of SIM card as well as a compatible phone for you to use.

These will be provided to you upon your arrival. The cost of both plans will be deducted from your paycheck.

Reach out to your current assignee if you have any questions.

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The Resource Center content, including all videos and other media, is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. The advice and information contained in the Resource Center is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation