My Life Changed Tremendously For The Better - Donna Joan

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Passing the NCLEX exam proves that you're committed to achieving your #AmericanDream. The next step is finding a reputable agency to help secure your employment-based U.S. immigrant visa or recapture your existing priority date.PassportUSA has expertly handled thousands of international nurse immigration cases. The PassportUSA Achieve program offers immigration filing services and test preparation resources to help you pass IELTS.Here's Donna Joan's story of how the PassportUSA Achieve program helped her attain her EB-3 visa and a nursing career in the USA.

Donna Joan's Opportunistic USRN Career

Donna Joan joined the PassportUSA Achieve program and has been working as a USRN in Texas since February 2018. When we spoke with Donna Joan regarding her experiences, here is what she shared:

How did you hear about the Achieve program?

"I first heard about the program from my sister. I had already passed NCLEX back in 2008 so I decided to apply for the Achieve program."

What made you decide to join the Achieve program?

"I wanted to join the Achieve program because I wanted to try new things. Both of my sisters are overseas Filipino workers and being the youngest sister, I wanted to seek greener pastures and work as a USRN."

What kind of training did you utilize to pass IELTS?

"I did online practice tests and studied a lot on my own. I read about current events and did speaking practice with my friends and family."

What training did you utilize to pass NCLEX?

"I took some in-person classes in the Philippines. I also had an NCLEX study book and took practice tests on the computer."

Would you recommend other nurses to sign up for Achieve right away?

"Absolutely! I recommend other nurses to sign up right away because most of my friends know about Health Carousel and they recommend it too."

How did you feel the response time was for your inquiries regarding the program?

"The response time was fast. When I emailed my advisor, I typically got a response back before the end of the business day."

What/who inspired you to pursue your American Dream?

"My parents inspired me to pursue my American Dream. I do this all for them. They gave me a lot of blessings and the motivation to live and work in the US. They are truly inspirational to me."

How has your family's life changed for the better now that you've been working as a U.S. nurse?

"My life has changed tremendously for the better. My salary wasn't enough back in the Philippines and now I am able to help send money to my parents. I can afford all of my finances and I also help my sisters, nieces, and nephews with affording their medications. We are so fortunate for my USRN opportunity."

What do you hope to accomplish in your U.S. nursing career and personal life within 5 years?

"I plan to become a better dialysis nurse. There is always much more to learn and to improve my skills. Eventually, I would like to become a Family Nurse Practitioner."

What are the three qualities of yours that make you a good U.S. nurse?

"I advocate for the best of my patients. I am empathetic because I put myself in their shoes and understand how they are feeling so I can provide quality care. I also have a good sense of humor as to not take anything negative that happens to the heart and make sure to stay calm for everybody."

Who/what motivates you currently to continue being a spectacular U.S. nurse?

"Definitely my family. My sister and I have a favorite saying: "Treat others like you want your family to be treated." Thinking of this always makes me want to perform to the best of my abilities."

Who do you want to thank for encouraging you to join the Achieve program and why?

"I want to thank my family for all of the support. My sister really encouraged me to pass NCLEX after I graduated nursing school and I am so glad I did because that was one of the first steps toward my American dream."

What advice do you have for candidates that are thinking about joining the program?

"My advice to candidates is to follow Health Carousel's instructions! Always be on top of your game by responding to their emails in a timely manner so they can finish processing your papers. Be patient with the visa process so it can go smoothly and always keep the faith that everything will work out in the end!"[caption id="attachment_355430" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Donna Joan on the right with her coworkers[/caption]Thank you, Donna Joan! We are proud to see how far you've come and look forward to seeing your nursing career progress.

Program Eligibility

The PassportUSA Achieve Program is offered to registered nurses who have already passed their NCLEX examination. NCLEX results never expire, so even if you passed NCLEX a few years back you still qualify. We also assist nurses that have been abandoned by a previous U.S. visa petitioner. We provide our Achieve candidates with access to resources to pass the IELTS examination and will expertly file for your U.S. visa after you pass IELTS.

Achieve Your #AmericanDream
August 21, 2020
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