Then and Now With Fellow Alum, Marylie

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When you join PassportUSA, you are forever a part of our family. PassportUSA is always there for you -- even after you complete your work assignment with us.� As a member of our newly launched Alumni Network, you have access to career coaching, premiere career opportunities, open collaboration with fellow Alumni, and much more!

We know many of you are actively living your American Dream. Many of you are involved in your communities, have grown in your career as a healthcare professional, and have even grown your families! Wherever you are now, we invite you to share your story (new job, new career, a trip, etc.) with us using the form on this page or share more details through this survey. Your submission may be selected to be published to our website and email communications to celebrate the paths our alumni have built since leaving PassportUSA.

Introducing Marylie

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Marylie (on the left) during orientation back in 2015[/caption]Marylie is one of our registered nurse Alumni who previously worked at one of our client facilities in Arkansas. She is originally from the Philippines and finished her PassportUSA assignment in 2018.Marylie has had a lot of success in her life since arriving in the U.S. She purchased a new car, got married to the love of her life, adopted new pets, and acquired her family's forever home! But that's not all! She has traveled to many U.S. states and became a Family Nurse Practitioner.

Success During Her PassportUSA Assignment

Marylie received a lot of praise and recognition during her assignment. In Marylie's previous performance evaluations, the facility's Nurse Manager commented,

"Marylie is an extremely compassionate nurse, and her patients compliment the care they receive from her. She is always willing to help in any way that she can, not only in her patient care, but in her teamwork as well. Marylie is a valuable asset to our team, and we are proud to have her."

What Marylie's Up to Now

Marylie finished her Nurse Practitioner program and is now working as a full-time NP at the same client facility! She said that her previous PassportUSA work experience prepared her for her current role.

"Thank you so much PassportUSA for all of your support and I am very grateful for the opportunities you have given to me and my family."-Marylie

Her Future Plans

Marylie is currently working on getting her Doctorate of Nursing Practice and is on track to graduate next year. Congratulations to Marylie![caption id="attachment_355414" align="alignnone" width="438"]

Marylie and her daughter at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida[/caption]

Thank you Marylie for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in your profession and our company!

No matter where life has taken you since your time with PassportUSA�as a past PassportUSA employee, you are invited to join our Alumni Network group! Click on the button below if you have not already joined our Facebook group.

Join the Alumni Network on Facebook
June 22, 2020
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Visa Journey with Health Carousel - Mirra
Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph