PassportUSA RN John Ardy Accelerates Path to the USA

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Chances are you have a relative or family friend that has been working in the USA as a nurse for some time. They probably inspired you to become a nurse to help patients and as a means to achieve your #AmericanDream. Most likely they also gave you advice on how to become a USRN. Their advice probably sounded something like this:

  1. Do well in nursing school.
  2. Graduate and pass the local board exam.
  3. Get to work as a staff RN anywhere you can.
  4. While working, study for and pass the NCLEX and IELTS exams.
  5. THEN if you have two years of nursing experience, find an agency that will help you get a visa and nursing job in the USA.

WOW! That is a lot to do on your own, but that's the way most agencies still operate.Here's John Ardy's story on how the PassportUSA ASPIRE program helped him pass needed exams and expedited his arrival to the USA.

John Ardy's USRN Career Began Much Sooner

Meet John Ardy, who joined the ASPIRE program and has been working as a USRN in Virginia since February 2019. Under the traditional pathway outlined above, he would not have even been able to interview with an agency until he had at least two years of experience after graduating from nursing school. That would have been in 2017. Yet, through the PassportUSA ASPIRE program, John Ardy was able to interview with us in 2016, with one year of nursing experience!We spoke with John Ardy regarding his experiences and here is what he shared:

How did you hear about the ASPIRE program?

"I saw a Health Carousel Philippines Facebook advertisement regarding newly-graduated nurses in the Philippines. I applied online and asked several questions. I was so excited because I wasn't sure where I wanted to go work and I am glad I decided to sign the contract!"

How soon after graduation did you join the ASPIRE program?

"I graduated in 2015 and then applied to Health Carousel in 2016."

Did you know agencies were helping new graduates to pass NCLEX?

"No, I did not! I was very happy to see this new program because most agencies look for more qualified nurses with over two years of experience. I was very happy to hear about Health Carousel."

What perks made you decide to join the ASPIRE program?

"I like the fact that they cater to new nursing graduates in the Philippines. They also assist with IELTS study resources. A big plus!"

What about NCLEX assistance?

"I was given tips on how to prepare for the test and I studied self-review books."

Would you recommend the ASPIRE program to other recent Filipino nursing graduates?

"Yes! If they want to come to the U.S. and make their American dream come true, then they should apply to join the ASPIRE program right away. The International Deployment Advisors are very knowledgeable and will answer your queries quickly."

Do you know anyone else that was or is currently in the ASPIRE program?

"Yes, I have referred at least four of my colleagues to Health Carousel."

Why did you choose to work in the U.S.?

"My mother is a big influence on me because she supported my American dream and wanted to see me through to it. I want to thank her and I want to thank Health Carousel for pushing me to complete all of the requirements. Now I am able to support myself financially and can give back to my family in the Philippines."

What do you hope to accomplish in your U.S. nursing career within five years?

"My goal within five years is to adjust well and be a better nurse. I will be more proficient like the other U.S. nurses in terms of following protocols, and improving my communication skills."

What are three traits of a good U.S. nurse?

"A good U.S. nurse should always be patient, respectful, and manage time well."[caption id="attachment_354345" align="aligncenter" width="819"]

Thank you John Ardy! We are proud to see how far you've come and look forward to seeing your nursing career progress.[/caption]

Program Eligibility

The PassportUSA ASPIRE Program is offered to recent graduates of Philippine nursing schools and students enrolled in their final year of Philippine nursing schools.� We provide our ASPIRE candidates with access to resources to pass the NCLEX and IELTS examinations and will file for your visa as soon as you pass the NCLEX.

Aspire Program Details

Please note:�In the Philippines, PassportUSA is recruiting through Health Carousel Philippines. License number � POEA-230-LB-103018-R. For manpower pooling only. No fees to be collected. Be aware of illegal recruiters and human traffickers.

February 14, 2020
Recent Testimonials
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