Highly educational - Catherine, RN

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This is some text inside of a div block.

The Transition-to-Practice program is a very innovative interactive education module that offers a great deal of information needed to equip the learner with�the necessary knowledge and skills regarding a particular topic.� It has a set of learning objectives, a Pre-test and a Post-test that will evaluate right away the user's learning progress.� As for me, the topics are very helpful and relevant to the scope of my work and at the same time gives me additional insight as to the recommended standards of practice in order to become an efficient and successful nurse in the United States.� The training module is easy to use and it also gives you a certain deadline to complete the topics so you can manage your time properly.� Moreover, it gives reminders regarding some unfinished topics so you are assured that you will be able to keep track of your progress. I highly recommend this online course as it is highly educational. A big thumbs up!

July 25, 2019
Recent Testimonials
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Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
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