Confident to deliver care and quality nursing - June, RN

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Being part of the Training Program is a great privilege that definitely required an exemplary focus, time and determination. It made me go back to my senses of being a student again and thus, the huge effort had to be done due to overwhelming information about patient cases and theories I haven't been practicing for a long time since I was concentrated about Renal Nursing for more than 10 years now.As I went through all the modules required in the checklist, it became more interesting about the simulations which displayed those real Nurse- Patient scenarios. Indeed, these segments were helpful because the student will be able to anticipate the possible issues and events when providing care to patients as per US healthcare Standards of Practice. I am quite lucky that I have been working with JCI accredited institutions for the last 6 years and was able to refresh all the practices and standards needed in every patient situation.It took me 2 months to finish the whole Medical- Surgical Program and this is a great refresher for me since it covered most of the areas of Nursing in a comprehensive manner.ATI training is highly recommended to all nurses in and out of US because it gives comprehensive information and review about nursing skills and clinical judgment that can be applied in their daily tasks.This program gave great impact and influence to me as a Renal Nurse because it was not just about Renal Nursing but also gave equal highlights on other areas of Nursing such as Mental Health, OB-Gyne, and Pediatrics. I can truly tell myself that after I finished the course,� I am able to deliver care and quality nursing to all ages from all walks of life, embracing the standards based on acceptable US Healthcare Delivery System.I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my coach, Ms. Joanne Harrison, for her continued support and understanding, as I ventured this program up to the end of my certification. More power and may this program continue to help and develop nurses in their careers and transition to US nursing practices.

July 24, 2019
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