Serving As A Dedicated Team Leader - Karen Ann

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We are hereby honored to announce that the winner of March 2020's RN Employee of the Month contest is Karen Ann!! Congrats to Karen Ann (center) as she will enjoy a spotlight on both our Facebook and website! She will also receive the winner's certificate for this month, bragging rights, and a gift!If you know someone who is currently working for PassportUSA, you can nominate them to be our next employee-of-the-month. We also accept self-referrals from current PassportUSA employees!

Submit EOM Nomination Now

Karen Ann is a registered nurse who is from the Philippines but is currently assigned in Georgia. She has been working in the healthcare field for 12 years and has been working with PassportUSA for over 1 year!Karen Ann was nominated for RN Employee of the Month by the client facility's Unit Director:

"Karen delivers exceptional patient care 100% each day she works. She always put patients first and is a good patient advocate. She provides quality care based on individual patients' needs, and always maintain a positive attitude while communicating with patients and their families. She is a stellar nurse!

Karen is a great team player and demonstrates excellent teamwork by positively communicating and collaborating with others. She is always respectful to leadership and co-workers. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to fellow healthcare professionals. She makes herself available to others when her work is completed.

Karen goes above and beyond for the organization by working extra hours when needed, being flexible whenever we have staff call-out to assure staff available to take care of patients. Karen always has a helping hand available.

Karen often serves as team leader and is assigned to be in charge of 3-5 OR rooms to assure staff have what they need for the surgery cases, give breaks, and lunch. Karen easily adapted to the OR here and immediately became a part of the team. It seemed she worked with us all along; not a new nurse at our facility. Karen is an inspiration to the staff and patients."

Learn more about PassportUSA's RN, Karen Ann, by reading her responses below!What drew you to Health Carousel? "I received an email from Health Carousel Philippines in 2014 about their interest in me to help explore U.S. nursing opportunities for a more promising career."What do you like most about working with our client? "The client facility is part of a well-known healthcare system in the USA. This is an outstanding opportunity to work here. I am very proud and happy to be working with them."What do you like to do outside of work? "I enjoy driving around and exploring places. I love visiting different aquariums, parks, and restaurants with my son."What do you love most about being a RN? "I am grateful to be a registered nurse because aside from serving humanity, I am able to handle health-related problems with my family because I have the right knowledge and skills."What is your favorite American food? "I love corn dogs!"Tell us something unique about you! "I enjoy dancing because it keeps me alive and healthy. I am taking classes for my Master's of Nursing degree. I enjoy couponing and getting the best deals around."What's your favorite quote? "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."-Confucious, philosopherIf you are not a current PassportUSA employee, simply apply with us today and we'll get your journey to the USA underway! We are currently hiring registered nurses and will send you relevant information to start your #AmericanDream.

Apply for PassportUSA
August 21, 2020
Recent Testimonials
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