Great Nurse Attributes

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Below is a list of invaluable nurse traits that hospitals want their employees to genuinely possess. Do you have all of these qualities?

Great interpersonal skills such as talking, writing, and listeningBeing well-versed in all these areas will help you socialize better.

Communicating effectivelyExplaining clearly to the patient and his or her family so that they understand.

Problem solvingThinking quickly how to react to situations and taking initiative to solve them promptly.

TimelinessArriving to work on time and managing efficiency with documentation, medication administration, answering patient call lights, and patient care tasks before the end of your shift.TeamworkCollaborating effectively with your co-workers with shift changes, report, operations, unexpected emergencies and overall team work on the unit. Being part of the team means not only collaborating with your fellow RNs but the CNAs as well to ensure all patient care needs are met.

Emotional stabilityStaying calm and positive during hectic situations takes practice.

Detail-orientedPaying attention to everything helps one get accustomed to surroundings and environments.

EmpathyThe ability to understand and share the feelings of others. How would you feel from the patient's perspective? Scared, tired, nervous? Assess how you would want to best be comforted as the patient.

Truly caring for the patientGenuine care to help others get better is admired by many.

HonestyDocumenting correct numbers and telling the truth are crucial habits for an honest way of life.

Self-awarenessAre you in-tune with your own thoughts and feelings? Paying attention to yourself can help you reflect on what you may want to improve on in your everyday life.

PatienceBeing able to wait at times or explaining things a couple of times requires a calm mentality.

FlexibilityBeing on call is greatly appreciated because it can help save lives. Possessing the willingness to take on extra shifts or change shifts at the last minute shows your versatility.

Physical staminaBeing able to stay on your feet for hours and lifting heavy objects makes you physically stronger.

Always learningTaking the time to study new things is important for personal growth and development.

"The character of the nurse is as important as the knowledge he/she possesses." -Carolyn Jarvis

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April 4, 2019
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Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
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