Happy and Grateful - Cherry, RN

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I'm happy and grateful because it helped me to understand more of the different concepts in Nursing especially those topics that I've only read in books. It gives real-life scenarios of cases in which you can freely choose from the options/questions and see for yourself what will be the effect of your choices to the patient in which it remains on my mind since you can witness the results of each option.It helped me to enhance therapeutic communication skills we provide to patients which is very important since we render more time with patients.� It gave me a lot of learning and information, it also helped me to update my nursing skills since I graduated a long time ago.�I used up all the days provided for me. I think it was 2 months.It's very helpful to witness the video tutorials, information and step-by-step guide provided to give quality and proper handling of care to patients.� I must say that the videos are an effective tool for nurses because you can still recall the videos if you need to brush-up your nursing skills.I must say, it helped me gain more confidence in my transition to US Healthcare. I'm glad that I can still come back to the training modules if there are topics that I want to review and learn again.Thank you to Health Carousel for providing this kind of online program where it gives us additional knowledge in preparation for our nursing career before we come to the USA.

July 24, 2019
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