May 12: International Nurses Day, Continuing the Celebration

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International Nurses Day takes place on the last day of National Nurses Week, May 12. This celebration is led by the International Council of Nursing (ICN).

The theme for International Nurses Day 2020 is "Nursing the World to Health", focusing on the true value of nurses to the people of the world.In conjunction with the World Health Organization declaring 2020 as the Year of the Nurse, PassportUSA is delighted to partake in the celebration of nurses worldwide.

Key International Nurses Day highlights from ICN President, Annette Kennedy:

  • Having the Year of the Nurse and Midwife coincide with Florence Nightingale's bicentennial raises the exciting prospect of nurses finally being recognized for all the good they do.
  • The ICN aims to recognize the challenges the world faces in relation to good health and the contribution of nursing in addressing these.
  • Nursing is at the core of enabling health systems across the entire world to achieve high quality, accessible and affordable healthcare. Through sheer weight of numbers, our scientific reasoning, and our proximity to the patient, we are Nursing the World to Health.
  • All around the world, nurses are working tirelessly to provide the care and attention people need, whenever and wherever they need it.
  • Nurses are central to the delivery of healthcare, and nurses are making an invaluable contribution to the health of people globally.

PassportUSA would like to extend a special thanks to all of the nurses working at healthcare facilities across the world. You deserve special recognition for your efforts in making a difference every day!

Show your support for nurses worldwide and the great work they do by leaving a comment below.

If you dream of working in the USA as a nurse, we encourage you to apply for PassportUSA. We will help you achieve your American Dream!

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June 30, 2020
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