Introducing Alta Grace: A 2022 PassportUSA Global Ambassador

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Meet Alta Grace: A PassportUSA Global Ambassador

Our Global Ambassador program is comprised of PassportUSA healthcare professionals who are passionate about helping other international nurses in their journey to the USA and ensuring others have a great experience with our program. Each Global Ambassador is currently living and working as a healthcare professional in the USA and contributes ideas and feedback about the PassportUSA program on a monthly basis.

Alta Grace, RN -

  • Country of Origin: Philippines
  • Improving Lives In: Oklahoma

What made you want to become an Ambassador for PassportUSA?

I wanted to become an Ambassador to PassportUSA because I wanted to assist and disseminate accurate information to nurses from my country who have no idea or who are in doubt about what kind of recruitment agency PASSPORTUSA is.

Advice to future and/or current PassportUSA candidates?

If you want to fulfill your American dream, Stay focus to your goals, ASK FOR HELP, help is everywhere. Nobody will know what you need or don't understand if you don't ASK.
Being a fool for a few minutes is better than being a fool forever. - Chinese Proverb
Most of all, PASSPORTUSA is here, always ready to help you get settled and to transition to American Life smoothly.
Lastly, pray for guidance, wisdom and protection. Thank the Lord for small and big things.

What motivates you?

My family and my faith is my driving force. Contributing to the fulfillment of my family’s aspirations gives me a sense of contentment. Answered prayers and God’s manifestation of His love for me in everyday struggles motivates me to give my best in performing my responsibilities at work.

What's your greatest accomplishment since coming to the U.S.?

My greatest accomplishment is being nominated to be part of Global Ambassador for PassportUSA.

Fun fact about yourself?

I love to dance, cook and sing. I love camping and the activities that goes with it. (this is all new to me)

Anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
I am whole heartedly grateful to PASSPORTUSA for all the assistance they have provided from Day 1- signing that contract to be USRN, to transiting to American life, to overcoming challenges at work (this is for Angela my IES), to just simply listening when I want to rant about work ✌️, and most recently and probably the most difficult one, the assistance extended to me by PPUSA in dealing with the accident of my daughter.

June 13, 2022
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Visa Journey with Health Carousel - Mirra
Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph