Introducing Mary: A 2022 PassportUSA Global Ambassador

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Meet Mary: A PassportUSA Global Ambassador

Our Global Ambassador program is comprised of PassportUSA healthcare professionals who are passionate about helping other international nurses in their journey to the USA and ensuring others have a great experience with our program. Each Global Ambassador is currently living and working as a healthcare professional in the USA and contributes ideas and feedback about the PassportUSA program on a monthly basis.

Mary, RN -

  • Country of Origin: Philippines
  • Improving Lives In: North Dakota

What made you want to become an Ambassador for PassportUSA?

It is my great honor to be part of this amazing team helping healthcare professionals realize their American dream. Being a Global Ambassador means you are not working just for your healthcare facility but you are working as a representative internationally, promoting the goals, objectives, and vision of PassportUSA to help healthcare professionals make their transition as seamless as possible.

Advice to future and/or current PassportUSA candidates?

I would like to encourage fellow nurses all over the Globe to never stop dreaming. There are times that you felt like aimless but if you keep going, you will find the right path, with PassportUSA your journey to success is not impossible. For all of you who already completed your contract never ever forget that without PassportUSA your determination and hard work may not or may be possible but the experience with PassportUSA transition in the US is a better experience and fulfilling.

What motivates you?

What motivates me to join in the Global ambassador team is to be a part of the prestigious and genuine team in guiding and helping nurses fulfill their lifelong American Dream a reality.

What's your greatest accomplishment since coming to the U.S.?

My greatest accomplishment since coming to the US is the realization of my US dream. To live permanently , work and “party in the USA” and bring my family (my daughter) . Still hoping to bring other members of the family. In addition to that I was able to do a cruise ship tour in the Bahamas after 2 months of working in the US.

Fun fact about yourself?

I described myself as outgoing, fun to be with. party lover, singing karaoke and dance specially Latino music. I enjoyed outdoors, do different activity every weekend. My favorite season of the year is Spring time , i enjoy road trip and traveling or visit scenic views. If i stayed indoor i enjoyed watching Netflix movies, CNN and celebrity news, go to church every Sunday and joins online bible study.

Anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
I worked 15 years as an RN in Saudi Arabia , which molded my career as a nurse. My experience working with our clients the Royal families and high ranking officials of Saudi Arabia gave me so much confidence to walk and cross my path to work in the Land of the Free and many opportunities. With the help of PassportUSA nothing is impossible and my transition to the US turns out quick.

June 2, 2022
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
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Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph