Learned new ideas, techniques and skill - Meia, RN

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I have encountered a lot of challenging situations while I was taking the�simulation training program. But despite the fact that it was harder than I thought, it was of great help to me in molding me to become a better member of the healthcare system in the US. I have also learned new ideas, techniques, and skills which are very far alike from what I have learned and experienced as a nurse here in the Philippines. Through this training program, I have learned the value of patience and understanding. Patience in dealing with difficult patients and understanding that each and every patient is different and unique which means that the care they need also varies.Although the program was set to be finished in eight weeks, I completed it in less than the set timeframe. Because of my eagerness to finish and my coach's help, I was able to complete every module and tests with a passing rate. After I finished everything, I can say that I am now ready and confident in my skills and knowledge and that my transition in the US healthcare system would be successful. This program has been very helpful to me and I believe it would also serve the same purpose to all other candidates.

July 24, 2019
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