March 2018 Nurse Employee of the Month - Brian

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We are hereby honored to announce, that the winner of March 2018's RN Employee of the Month contest is Brian!! Congrats to Brian as he will enjoy a spotlight on both our Facebook and website! He will also receive the winner's certificate for this month, bragging rights and a gift!If you know someone who is currently working for PassportUSA, you can nominate them to be our next employee-of-the-month. We also accept self-referrals from current PassportUSA employees!

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Brian is one of our wonderful RNs currently assigned in Northern Iowa. He is from the Philippines and has been in the healthcare field for 8 years and with PassportUSA for more than a year! Brian was nominated for RN of the Month by his International Employee Supervisor for his excellence and enthusiasm.

He was also featured in his state's newspaper!�Check out the article here.Learn a little more about PassportUSA's award winning RN, Brian by reading his responses below!What is your favorite part/what do you love about being an RN? Being able to talk to different people. To be able to share experiences and learn. It's just also very fulfilling to be a part of their lives...especially in their vulnerable times, and also being able to help them in ways medications could not.Have you received awards from your facility? Yes. I was honored the DAISY Award. The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. This award is given to recognize nurses who established a special connection with a patient/family, has significantly made a difference in the life of a patient, shows empathy in all situations, is an outstanding role model for the nursing profession, generates enthusiasm and energy towards meeting the challenges of nursing, consistently exhibits excellent interpersonal skills, and exemplifies the essence of professional nursing in all activities.What drew you to Health Carousel? Our dean when I was in college recommended Health Carousel to me. I love how they deal with me. all are personable, sincere and really goes the length to help. Health Carousel is a family... and they make you feel that you are a part of it.What do you like to do outside of work? I love playing basketball... but I realized that basketball and winter doesn't really mesh well. I love riding around town via bicycle with my wife and son. I love playing with them outdoors whatever the season.If you are not a current PassportUSA employee, simply register with us today and we'll get your journey to the USA underway!

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November 8, 2019
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