Positive Attitude - Jennifer

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This is some text inside of a div block.

"It was 18 months ago when I signed my contract with Health Carousel and that was the best decision I made. During the processing, it was overwhelming because of all the requirements needed but my International Program Advisor helped me in every step of it. Working with Health Carousel is an opportunity given to me to be able to reach my American dream. Being optimistic and having a positive attitude, now I am finally pursuing my American dream.Thank you Health Carousel for this opportunity and effort to help us candidates."PROFESSION: Medical TechnologistCANDIDATE NAME: JenniferLOCATION: IndianaDEPLOYMENT DATE:Â September 26, 2018

Achieve Your #AmericanDream
September 25, 2018
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Visa Journey with Health Carousel - Mirra
Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph