Smooth and hassle-free - Paular, RN, USRN

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I joined HCPI last August 2017 and took the NCLEX last December 2018.My NCLEX application and processing were smooth and hassle-free with the help of IPASS Processing, especially through�the guidance of Ms. Rachelle Olivar.My NCLEX experience is comparable to a roller coaster ride where there were ups and downs and fast and slow moments. I went through a lot of obstacles and delays, but by the help and constant reminders of my HCPI advisor and by the IPASS team, undying support and encouragement of my family and friends and through prayers to the Lord, I was able to pass the NCLEX and meet this success.Never give up on your dreams. Everyone has his or her own time to shine in the career path he or she chooses. Grab every opportunity to help you succeed in your goals and aspirations in life. Lastly, never forget to pray to the Lord to help and guide you in whatever decision/s you'll be doing with regards to your future.

July 25, 2019
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