Growing More Competent In My Career - Joseph

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Each month, our International Employee Supervisor Team selects one or two spectacular A-players on assignment to showcase their journey. We asked our healthcare professional to share his or her story of perseverance, adjustment and professional growth.Joseph is from the Philippines and is currently working at a client facility in Pennsylvania. He has been working in his field for 10 years and has been with PassportUSA for almost 2 years.Why did you decide to become a registered nurse? "At first, it was mainly because of the uniform - I loved my college uniform! Also, I admired how nurses were being portrayed in television. But as I was working myself relentlessly to get my BSN degree, I had this epiphany of sorts - I realized that I found joy (and I still do) in the service of others, and hey, being a nurse fulfilled that desire to serve mankind."

"I gave my family back in the Philippines the assurance of a better future. I was able to help them emotionally and financially. They are now at peace, knowing that despite the struggles of migrating to another country, I will be okay because of all the help I am getting right now."

Before coming to the U.S., where did you practice your profession? "I am very proud to say that I started out in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the Philippines. My first assignment was in the Medical Surgical unit, and I was eventually transferred and spent most of my working years in the ICU and PICU. A year or two prior to coming to the states, I also experienced working as a Utilization Management Nurse."Why did you want to come to the U.S.? "I wanted to come to the U.S. primarily because I want to experience snow and I always dreamt of the American dream. Other than the Philippines, this is also the only other place I can imagine myself living in. Arriving in America, I knew that it would require a lot of sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work to be successful, but that's just how I am - I never shy away from a challenge. I want to better myself both personally and professionally."How did you first hear of PassportUSA?�"I first heard of PassportUSA through word of mouth. I heard so many great things about the agency and some of my friends are signing with PassportUSA/Health Carousel."How is your experience working with your PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor so far? "It has been wonderful! Haleigh will always be someone that I will forever be grateful for. She is so approachable, friendly, professional and has made my transition in the states easier. I am one lucky nurse who was assigned to be under her care."Would you recommend PassportUSA to other people and why?�"Definitely. PassportUSA made my dreams possible. There was a time that I prayed and presented my contract to God in one of the churches in the Philippines asking for his guidance and without a doubt, I think I made the right choice."How does working in the U.S. differ from your healthcare career abroad? "It's totally different mainly because of the language. English is not my native tongue but eventually I learned to adapt to communicate better with my patients and the medical team. Technology-wise, there are a lot of things that are new to me that weren't found in my previous work, however, this made work more effective and efficient. Nevertheless, not everything is different, patients stay the same because they need the care they deserve."How have you grown professionally? "I learned how to better cope with the struggles that come with being a nurse. Although acknowledging the fact that learning is a life-long process, I feel I've grown more competent in my career, and developed a greater sense of compassion for my patients and their respective families."How has your life and your family's life changed for the better? "I gave my family back in the Philippines the assurance of a better future. I was able to help them emotionally and financially. They are now at peace, knowing that despite the struggles of migrating to another country, I will be okay because of all the help I am getting right now. I think it is safe to say that my life has changed for the better because of all of the opportunities presented and the sense of belonging it gives for nurses playing a vital role in society."[caption id="attachment_353058" align="aligncenter" width="912"]

Joseph with his friends and family in the U.S.[/caption]

Thank you Joseph for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in your profession and our company!

We are currently hiring registered nurses! If you're a registered nurse who is not being guided to your dream of the USA by PassportUSA, simply apply with us today and we'll help get your journey to the USA underway!

Apply for PassportUSA
November 8, 2019
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
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Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph