The Best Opportunities Available - Noel

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Each month, our International Employee Supervisor Team selects one or two spectacular A-players on assignment to showcase their journey. We asked our healthcare professional to share his or her story of perseverance, adjustment and professional growth.Noel is from the Philippines and is currently working at a client facility in Iowa. He has been working in his field for 12 years and with PassportUSA for almost 1 year.Why did you decide to become a registered nurse? "One of the reasons why I chose to become a registered nurse is because of my younger siblings. As the second oldest child of a retired Master Sergeant and a housewife, I have been used to taking care of my siblings at an early age, especially when my parents were not at home. Another reason is, I wanted to become the very first nurse in our family. This is to set myself as a role model to my younger siblings and become someone who's knowledgeable in providing perfect care for our parents as they grow older. Since then, nursing has been embedded to the very core of my being. I don't consider the profession as a job per se, but the love of my life. I understand the amount of passion that I have for this craft is way beyond what is expected of me, and because of this, the satisfaction I get when I see smiles in the faces of the patients under my care is immeasurable."

"I have always been so satisfied with the company and its people. Thank you Health Carousel/PassportUSA!"

Before coming to the US, where did you practice your profession?�"I first practiced in the Philippines at a hospital and medical center in the med-surg, oncology, and palliative nursing units. I also worked in Abu Dhabi in outpatient oncology, hematology, and the emergency department. Lastly, I worked at a specialty hospital in the UAE in the male cardiology unit."Why did you want to come to the US? "I wanted to come to the US because of two reasons: the first reason is for me to have the best opportunities available when it comes to having a nursing career. I have a few friends who are also registered nurses based in different states and they started to have some incredible lives from the moment they stepped onto US soil and pursued their careers here. I wanted to have that chance as well, so I could give my family a good life that they deserve. Secondly, I want to live in a country where I can be free to express myself more; where people are more accepting, not just tolerant, and where I can be protected. I wanted to come to the US because here, I felt that my freedom of expression is acknowledged and well-received by this country and its equally amazing people."How did you first hear of PassportUSA?�"I first heard of PassportUSA/Health Carousel through an advertisement from one of my social media accounts. I became interested in applying, so I started to do some research about what the company is all about. I came across to the PassportUSA website, which is already very informative, and luckily, I have known previous candidates and nursing educators who were deployed to the US by PassportUSA, so I also asked guidance from them as well."How is your experience working with your PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor so far? "To be honest, I have never had any difficulties working with my IES, Liz. I feel so blessed and I believe that I was destined to work with one of PassportUSA's several excellent and professional IES. I remember the time when I needed to transition from working in the UAE to work in the state of Iowa in the United States of America, it was just an easy breezy experience with Liz. I felt so encouraged because of her and she never failed to assist me even with my smallest inquiries. Because of this, I became much willing to do beyond what is expected of me as a nurse because she is encouraging me to become better each day. Also, I get inspired with the goodness that I experience with her so I attained additional specialty certifications."Would you recommend PassportUSA to other people and why?�"I would certainly recommend PassportUSA to those who would like to work and have a better life in the US. This is because I am able to experience not just top-notched professionalism but including the flawless commitments toward fulfilling my goals of working and living in the US. I have always been so satisfied with the company and its people. Plus, with the expectations that was set by PassportUSA, I really appreciate every single person behind Health Carousel/PassportUSA. They are admirable and have helped me achieve my American dreams."Please rate how likely you are to recommend PassportUSA to other healthcare professionals. "I rate PassportUSA a 10. I am extremely likely to recommend PassportUSA to other healthcare professionals."How has your life and your family's life changed for the better? "Our lives really changed for the better when I started to work and live in the US. We became more open and have been able to communicate during our family's special occasions, like birthdays, Christmas, and the New Year. Aside from that, I am also deeply grateful with my long-time partner, who is also based in the Philippines because we now have the chance to live together as opposed to when I was still working in the Middle East. Having that idea in mind makes me strive more and work harder each day. The opportunities are pouring in because I am surrounded with the people I love back home, and with the kind-hearted people I have here in United States of America."How does working in the USA differ from your healthcare career abroad?�"Based on my experience, I can say that there are a lot of better opportunities in the US. I value paid time off, which is very important, so I can recharge from a tiring work week. The standards of the people who work in the medical industry when comes to professionalism is so high, I must keep up and be as productive as everyone else, so I can also build a better future here."How have you grown professionally? "I believe that every day is a new learning experience for me, and I still have a lot of things to learn professionally. When I started my career as a registered nurse, the facilities and employers that I've been with were all huge contributors in honing my knowledge and skills in the field of professional nursing. I learned a lot from them and as I go along with my career, I have proven myself that I am lucky to have these supportive people because my expectations in this profession were met. One of the ways in becoming a successful registered nurse is to take up certifications and further studies. Because of this, I am encouraged by PassportUSA to take certifications such as the Progressive Care Certification and they have assisted me financially for me to be able to take the exam. So now, every time I take up courses and trainings, I always tell myself that I need to pass because it is not only for me and for the betterment of my career, but most likely, for my previous, current and future patients as well."

Thank you Noel for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in your profession and our company!If you're a registered nurse who is not being guided to your dream of the USA by PassportUSA, simply register with us today and we'll help get your journey to the USA underway!

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November 8, 2019
Recent Testimonials
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