Adjusting Wonderfully To The US - Sheryl Jay

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Each month, the PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor Team selects one or two spectacular A-players on assignment to showcase their journey. We asked our healthcare professional to share his or her story of perseverance, adjustment and professional growth.

Sheryl Jay is from the Philippines and is currently working at a client facility in Nebraska. She has been working in her field for 6 years and has been working for PassportUSA for almost 1 year.Why did you decide to become a registered nurse? "I chose to become a registered nurse because it is a self-fulfilling profession. I get to touch lives, share compassionate care, and help all ages with their health needs."Before coming to the U.S., where did you practice your profession? "I gained my nursing experience in the Philippines and practiced in the OR and ED units, and in the orthopedic clinic."Why did you want to come to the U.S.? "I was raised by a single mother. I dreamt and promised myself that I would bring my mother to the United States and at the same time I would practice my nursing profession. Hearing sweet stories about brighter opportunities for nurses in the United States gave me the encouragement to dream bigger to come to the U.S."How did you first hear of PassportUSA?�"I first heard of PassportUSA by reading a post by a friend on Facebook about how Health Carousel helped her with her U.S. application. From there, that is when I decided to sign up with Health Carousel."How is your experience working with your PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor (IES) so far? "My IES Angela is the best. She called me the night before my flight and I found that very reassuring. I knew I was going to have a smooth transition and adjustment to the U.S. because I have a caring IES that is there for me. She is always available to answer my concerns, even when she is off from work. Her availability is very relieving to me."Would you recommend PassportUSA to other people and why?�"Yes! I definitely recommend PassportUSA because PassportUSA will help applicants fulfill their dreams to work and live in the United States. They assist with great effort to make us comfortable in our facility assignment."How does working in the U.S. differ from your healthcare career abroad? "The setting and equipment is different in the U.S. and it is fairly new to me. I am grateful to all of the staff in my area because they are understanding and helpful since my first work day. They never view me as having little skills compared to what they possess. Instead, they always encourage, teach, and share what they know."How have you grown professionally? "I am prepared to gain new knowledge each day. I am productive and growing my professional skills. I want to give a big thanks to my surgery family for being so helpful."How has your life and your family's life changed for the better? "We will always be thankful to PassportUSA for bringing us to the U.S. I am very happy and thankful because I am working in a beautiful facility with the best director, nurse manager, team, and co-nurses. I am learning new skills everyday. Everyone is happy to help me learn and that makes a big difference to me in becoming a better USRN. For my family, a brighter future is ahead of us. Every day is a blessing."

Thank you Sheryl Jay for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in your profession and our company!

We are currently hiring registered nurses! If you're a registered nurse who is not being guided to your dream of the USA by PassportUSA, simply apply with us today and we'll help get your journey to the USA underway!

Apply for PassportUSA
February 21, 2020
Recent Testimonials
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