Extremely Proud To Work Here - Valerie

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Each month, the PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor Team selects one or two spectacular A-players on assignment to showcase their journey. We asked our healthcare professional to share his or her story of perseverance, adjustment and professional growth.Valerie is from the Philippines and is currently working at a client facility in Maryland. She has been working in her field for 6 years and has been with PassportUSA for almost two years.Why did you decide to become a registered nurse? "I decided to become a registered nurse because my mother is a nurse and I've witnessed her dedication, respect, and love for the profession and that inspired me to become a nurse just like her."Before coming to the U.S., where did you practice your profession? "My first nursing job was in the NICU at a university hospital in the Philippines.Then I worked in the NICU at a women's hospital in Qatar until I deployed to the U.S."Why did you want to come to work in the U.S.? "I wanted to come to the U.S. because it's one of the most diverse and technologically advanced countries in the world. I saw the opportunity to enhance my career here so I decided to go for it."How did you first hear of PassportUSA?�"I had just graduated from nursing school when my sister and I were looking at Facebook and we saw the agency's advertisement. My mother heard about PassportUSA from a coworker and told me about the agency."How is your experience working with your PassportUSA International Employee Supervisor (IES) so far? "My experience with my IES, Ashley, has been amazing! Starting a new life in a different place can be very scary and difficult. Ashley helped me transition with ease. She made me feel safe and comfortable during my adjustment period for both my personal and professional life here in the U.S."Would you recommend PassportUSA to other people and why?�"Yes, I already recommend PassportUSA to others because I trust PassportUSA and have come a long way with them."How does working in the U.S. differ from your healthcare career abroad? "I love the work-life balance here. I have more time to enhance my education, explore new places, learn new hobbies, and meet new people.""How have you grown professionally? "Every day is a learning opportunity for me. I am more competent and confident in the NICU. I am extremely proud to be part of the healthcare team. I am ready to take on new challenges and invest in my learning."What is your favorite inspirational quote? "Take it one step at a time."

Thank you Valerie for sharing your amazing journey so far. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in your profession and our company!

We are currently hiring registered nurses! If you're a registered nurse who is not being guided to your dream of the USA by PassportUSA, simply apply with us today and we'll help get your journey to the USA underway!

Apply for PassportUSA
August 21, 2020
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