Transparency and Integrity - Justin

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"I joined Health Carousel in 2013. They assisted smoothly during my NPTE process until I passed and got my license. It was never an easy process during the time that I have to secure my working visa. It was a long and agonizing feeling on my part as a candidate. But the reason I stayed and trusted Health Carousel’s process is because of their transparency and integrity that they give to each candidate. Health Carousel sees to it that they offer each candidate the best possible options that will help them build their career in the USA. Though my process took a long time, all I can say is it was all worth it.To current and future candidates of Health Carousel, always do your best and have a long patience until the right time comes. To the Health Carousel management team, thank you for the guidance and always finding time to check on me. To my advisors, thank you for the patience and understanding."PROFESSION: Physical TherapistCANDIDATE NAME: JustinLOCATION: HawaiiDEPLOYMENT DATE: August 15, 2018

Achieve Your #AmericanDream
August 16, 2018
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Mirra, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Visa Journey with Health Carousel - Mirra
Congratulations to Joseph, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Dreams Come True - Joseph