Well-executed training - Jenelyn, RN

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The training is an open door for me to new knowledge. At, first I was hesitant and resistant to learn maybe because it's been 12 years since I had my formal schooling and I am engaged in my career as a professional nurse but I as I am going through my course I realized I really need it badly, I need to update myself. The training is well executed to the needs of the students, the teaching approach is diversified,� it's accurate and updated. You have your own coach who is hands-on and will guide you throughout your course. I really loved the simulation with case scenario, it really enhanced my decision-making skills. I finished my course in one month. I am very thankful to Passport USA that they came up with this idea. I am confident that I can adapt smoothly in my career in the US.

July 24, 2019
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