Very wonderful opportunity - Mary Regine, RN

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This is some text inside of a div block.

It was actually a very wonderful opportunity for me to refresh my nursing knowledge and to get a glimpse of how nurses work in the US. It was exciting, tiring, and honestly somewhat stressful for me given my situation (mother, pregnant, working and taking care of a toddler! But due to its flexibility, I was able to accomplish it. It also showed me my areas of weaknesses in nursing which I need to improve on.I saw and learned how independently nurses really do work in the US based on the scenarios and videos. It showed me how confidently they do all the nursing assessments, nursing care and therapeutic communication with patients.�Due to my situation, I actually finished it up to its deadline.I would recommend this for those planning to refresh their knowledge and to be aware of how nurses work in the US.�It helped because it showed me what to expect and how to actually function as a nurse in the US. I would say that it helped me boost up my confidence to be able to have a successful transition to US Healthcare Delivery System.

July 24, 2019
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