Engaging real-life scenarios and questions - Carolyn, RN

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After almost two months of taking the training, answering questions and engaging in real-life scenarios, I must say that I am somehow confident in starting a new career as a Nurse in the US. I was able to at least grasp on how the US healthcare delivery system works and on how to properly practice and deliver safe nursing care. Initially, it was kind of challenging because when I am taking the simulators, I always end up choosing the answers that would cause danger and hazard to the patient. However, after multiple attempts, I started seeing a drastic change in the way I read and analyzed the questions. I was able to eradicate the wrong options easily. The training was challenging yet very informative and enriching experience. It equips you with the theory and skills necessary for your clinical experience as a nurse.Moreover, I was able to developed competency and confidence. It helps me to identify my weak areas and mistakes that I made when answering the scenarios and test questions. With the very engaging real-life scenarios and questions, I was also able to improve my decision-making skill as well.It was very pertinent that you were being oriented with what you will face as a Nurse in the US and the training was definitely of big help. I can say that my confidence level as a nurse has increased and I know that I can successfully make a good transition to the US healthcare delivery system.I would strongly recommend the training because it covers essential nursing content which was presented in a very engaging and interactive format especially when it comes to critical-thinking exercises.

July 24, 2019
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