October 2017 Nurse Employee of the Month - Shana F

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We are honored to announce that the winner of October 2017's RN Employee of the Month (EOM) contest is Shana F! Congrats to Shana as she will enjoy a spotlight on both our Facebook page and website! She will also receive the winner's certificate for this month, bragging rights, and a gift!If you know someone who is currently working for PassportUSA, you can nominate them to be our next �employee-of-the-month. We also accept self-referrals from current PassportUSA employees!

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Shana is a registered nurse from Jamaica! She is currently working in Pennsylvania. She has been working in the healthcare industry for 7 years, and has been working for PassportUSA for almost a year! Shana was nominated by her International Employee Supervisor, Karly, because she is a very hard worker who has always received nothing but great reviews from her facility, Shana is also always quick to respond to emails and compliance items. Learn a little bit more about Shana by reading her responses below!Tell us something unique about you!I am a single mother, I have a son and daughter 18 & 17 years respectively who lives with me here. I had them both before I was 19, which means I dropped out of high school and had a pretty rough start. I am very proud of myself and them for making it this far. My kids are both on the principal honor roll in High School, my son has a 4.0 GPA and my daughter a 3.8, I am extremely proud of the 3 of us, even more now for being nominated for this award.What drew you to Health Carousel?I was initially drawn to health Carousel because of the rapid response I received when I applied in comparison to the other agencies. I was impressed by the personal attention my family received and the assistance with transitioning both financially and otherwise was commendable.What do you like most about working with our client?The facility provides a lot of opportunity for learning, the environment is hectic and as any other Emergency Department it can be chaotic at times however the staff is very supportive.What do you like to do outside of work?Outside of work I love spending time with my children, watching movies and taking the time out to visit somewhere new, restaurants, aquarium , amusement park and concerts and my mom who is 2 hours away.What's your favorite part/ what do you love about being a RN?I am a nurse at heart, I love my profession even though it can feel very unforgiving and overwhelming at times, I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I especially love the ER because I get to administer immediate help to patients in need and it gives me great joy to see a patient and their family who is in distress whether physically or emotionally gets relieved by our interventions and left comforted. I also enjoy practicing my skills and getting the opportunity to learn something new everyday.What's your favorite quotes?My favorite quote is actually a bible verse. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."At this time, we would also like to recognize Ali B. of North Carolina and Casmerlita Y. of North Dakota who were both also nominated for this award.If you are not a current PassportUSA employee, simply register with us today and we'll get your journey to the USA underway!

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November 8, 2019
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